5:00 PM: Parking Opens 6:00 PM: Doors Open Entry occurs in this order: Artist VIP, Venue VIP, Fast Lane, General Population, starting right at doors.
is a celebration of New Hampshire’s energy efficiency efforts. Over 5,000 concert goers will not only get to enjoy a concert from a multi-platinum artist, they will also be able to visit a special eco village on the Meadowbrook midway where vendors will be extolling the virtues of wind and solar power as well as other alternative energy sources.
“Being environmentally conscious has always been important to me," said Sheryl Crow "I am happy to be partnering with organizations like Reverb and the Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion on an event like Greenerpalooza. Utilizing concerts as a background for environmental education is a great way to reduce the huge carbon footprints that shows can have.”
For more information about Greenerpalooza click here
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