
GREENERPALOOZA is a celebration of New Hampshire’s energy efficiency efforts. Over 8,000 concertgoers will not only get to enjoy a concert from a multi-platinum artist, they will also be able to visit a special Eco-Village on Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion midway where vendors will be extolling the virtues of wind and solar power as well as other alternative energy sources. “Greenerpalooza has been great at opening people’s eyes to the potential of a greener, more sustainable future,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director, Steve Boucher. “By using the unifying force of music, we are able to help citizens to become more energy efficient, learn about new technologies and share a positive environmental message with their neighbors.”

cokeBank of New Hampshire Pavilion prides itself on being environmental conscious. We began our mission simply working on educating our staff and audience about the importance of recycling within the venue and our administrative offices. We then became aware of what we were purchasing and did our best to research and find environmentally friendly products to purchase whenever possible. We now offer Bio-diesel to each tour that visits our venue and have a generator that will work off bio-diesel whenever the need arises!

In 2008 we decided to dedicate one show each year to help educate our audience and created an Eco-Village featuring environmentally friendly products and services from companies around the state of NH. Each show has been tied closely to artists that have the same passion for the environment and energy efficiency.

In 2009 the first Greenerpalooza Award was to a New Hampshire-based person, organization or initiative dedicated to energy efficiency. It recognizes the accomplishments of those who support and promote green efforts throughout the Granite State and who work tirelessly to ensure that New Hampshire maintains its position as a state which celebrates sustainability.


Greenerpalooza IV

With the tremendous success of Greenerpalooza III, Greenerpalooza IV will see the return of title sponsors, Citizens Bank, PSNH and New Hampshire Division of Economic Development's Business Resource Center. This event will continue to build on the presenting of the Greenerpalooza Award and "Granite Green Team" green awareness efforts. In year four of this tremendous event Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion has implemented a carbon offset program to help battle the huge impact large audiences can have on the environment traveling to and from concerts. Proceeds from the offset program will be used to help fund a solar project on the venue's pavilion.

Eco-Village Vendors: Just Be Products, Lakes Region Community College, eZee Bikes, Belknap Landscape Company, NH Department of Environmental Services, Student Conservation Association of NH, Drink Skinny, Friend Your Body, Resourse Management, Build Green NH and The Generator Connection.

Greenerpalooza III

Greenerpalooza III has brought new partners into the fold for this year’s offering. Citizens Bank, a lending institution that has demonstrated a commitment to the community through its Champions in Action initiative as well as other charitable endeavors, has signed on as a co-sponsor, believing that encouraging sustainability fits in well with their corporate mission. Greenerpalooza III took place during Sheryl Crow and Colbie Caillat.

New to the event this year is the addition of the “Granite Green Team,” a virtual “green army” of volunteers who will collect recyclables at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion concerts and distribute seed cards that contain earth friendly messages and can be planted after being read. A team of 4-6 representatives from Public Service of New Hampshire, the Division of Economic Development, Citizens Bank and social media partner Epiphanies, Inc. will each attend a show during the 2010 season and encourage concert goers to dispose of recyclables responsibly and to observe eco awareness in their daily living.

Greenerpalooza II

In 2009 over 3,000 Jackson Browne/Shawn Colvin concert goers at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion were given the opportunity to learn all about the free energy efficiency services offered in the Granite State.

The first Greenerpalooza Award was given that year to Richard Ober, Chair of the NH Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board (EESE). He was presented with the first ever Greenerpalooza Award for his dedication to renewable energy causes. A Greenerpalooza Award will be given out each year.

Coordinated by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development and Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in partnership with sponsors Public Service of New Hampshire and Ocean Bank, Greenerpalooza II featured a midway filled with utility companies providing energy efficiency tips as well as New Hampshire businesses that have created energy efficient products.

Greenerpalooza I

Despite what Kermit the Frog says, it is easy being green. And if you don’t believe that, just visit Meadowbrook and with that said, Governer John Lynch proclaimed, Wednesday, June 24th, “Greenerpalooza Day.Crosby, Stills and Nash was the first ever Greenerpalooza!

Representatives of Meadowbrook, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s Business Resource Center, Ocean Bank, local utilities and other energy efficiency concerns announced plans for Greenerpalooza, an event which celebrates energy efficiency efforts throughout the Granite State. With a backdrop of a Crosby, Stills and Nash concert taking place in the Pavilion that evening, a special “eco-village” will be developed in Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion midway so that New Hampshire residents will learn how to “go greener.”

“Finding new ways to save money while preserving our environment is of interest to all New Hampshire citizens,” said New Hampshire Business Resource Center Director, Roy Duddy. “For the first time, we’re joining together with local utilities and New Hampshire companies creating energy efficient products to present an evening dedicated to exploring the benefits of going green. Whether it’s biodiesel, solar or geothermal, it was all be on display at Greenerpalooza.”

Partners in Green

  Coca Cola  

BankNH Pavilion ♪ 72 Meadowbrook Ln ♪ Gilford, NH ♪ 03249
(603) 293-4700
© Meadowbrook Amphitheatre Holdings, LLC / BankNH Pavilion / Live Nation Worldwide, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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